Rehan Lab in the News |
Science - Bumble bees lose their sense of smell after heat waves
Smithsonian Magazine - Heat waves can make bumblebees lose their sense of smell
Phys Org - The plants bees need to maintain a healthy diet have been revealed
York U News - Sandra Rehan receives York Research Chair - Faculty of Science
Morning AgClips - The Plants You Need to Keep Bees on a Healthy Diet Have Been Revealed
CTV News - Wild bees face heightened environmental challenges in cities
Forbes - Urban Bees Are More Stressed Out Than Their Suburban Or Rural Sisters
Toronto Newsroom - Wild bees feel sting of city living: York U researchers
York News - Integrative population genetics and metagenomics in a wild bee
Newswise - Urbanization leads to more pathogens and inbreeding of wild bees
Breakfast Television - Sustainable living, bees and the environment
Rehan elected to the Royal Society of Canada - RSC Class of 2022
Science News for Kids - What happens to mother bees’ brains as they age?
Lockport Union Sun - Back to Your Roots: The 'No Mow May' movement
Globe and Mail - No Mow May gains traction across Canada
York News - Rehan wins prestigious E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship for work with bees
The Feed Podcast - Wild bee conservation research
NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship - Molecular Ecology and Behavioural Genetics
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Current Exchange: Biology & Genomics Social Insects meeting
Eureka Alert Science News: Museum collections predict species abundance in the wild
Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences: Front Matter - Eusocial plants?
Science Magazine: Maternal Instincts Lead To Social Life Of Bees
CTV News: Study finds maternal instincts lead to social life of bees
Science Daily: Sociality sculpts similar patterns of molecular evolution in eusocial bees Maternal instincts lead to social life of bees
The social life of bees: once solitary, behaviour plays a role in gene selection for socialness
Science Rendezvous: Plant-Pollinator Networks and their Bees are Declining
Newsweek: Rise in Invasive Species May Lead to Massive Loss of Global Biodiversity
CTV News: Plant a seed, help a bee: Experts urge Canadians to plant wildflowers to save bees from decline
Eureka Alert Science News: Some 94 per cent of wild bee and native plant species networks lost
Buzz on Bees: a Q&A session with YorkU's top bee experts - Faculties of Science and Environmental Studies
Mom genes: What makes a bee brain buzz?
Centre for Bee Ecology Evolution and Conservation - Official Research Unit - York News
Australian Native Bee Conference - Professors Rehan and Packer present keynote addresses in Brisbane
The Daily Review Atlas - Wild bee species critical to pollination on the decline
Scientific American - Microbes in flowers are crucial to bee diets
Flower “bed” works overtime as overnight bachelor pad for solitary bees - Texas Butterfly Ranch
CTV News - Wild bee species critical to pollination on the decline
Boston Globe - N.H. study finds 14 local bee species on the decline
The Poetry of Science - A Local Disappearance - by Samuel Illingworth, Manchester Metropolitan University
Union Leader - 14 wild bee species native to New England on the decline
USDA NIFA - UNH Researchers Reveal More Than Dozen Wild Bee Species Declining in Northeast
Science Daily - More than dozen wild bee species declining in Northeastern U.S.
Granite Geek - Concord Monitor - Honeybees in hives get the attention but our wild bees are hurting, too
Eureka Science News - Researchers reveal more than dozen wild bee species declining in Northeast
iHeartRadio Denver Talk Radio - Sandra Rehan on the History of Bees and Current Threats to Bees
The Joy of Discovery - Bee Lab PhD student, Wyatt Shell, wins UNH Research/Scholarship/Creativity award
Quanta Magazine - The Elusive Calculus of Insect Altruism
Foster's Daily Democrat - UNH organizing New England Bee Bioblitz
UNH Bee Lab Hosts 2018 New England Bee Bioblitz in Cheshire County June 22-24
Bees, Birds, and Beyond: An Unexpected Journey on the Path to Conservation
Morning Ag Clips - Researchers to study pollinator food availability
UNH Today - Researcher Receives Grant To Improve Pollinator Health
United States Department of Agriculture - UNH Researchers Find Drastic Decline in N.H.’s Bumble Bees
Union Leader - UNH research: Dramatic decline in NH bumble bees
WMUR9 News - Drastic drop seen in NH bumblebee population, UNH study shows
Foster's Daily - UNH researchers: Bumblebees in drastic decline
NH Agriculture Experiment Station - UNH Researchers Find Drastic Decline in N.H.’s Bumble Bees
UNH Today - Bee Bullies: What the impact of aggression on brain chemistry can tell us about social rank
Science News for Students - Bee hotels are open for business
UNH Kicks Off National Pollinator Week with Pollinator Appreciation Day June 19
Bee Excited - 2017 New England Bee Bioblitz
UNH Today - The Buzz on Bees
Union Leader - Researchers: White Mountain Forest home to nearly 140 species of bees
Washington Post - White Mountain Forest is home to nearly 140 species of bees
NHPR - UNH Researchers Document 140 Species of Bee, Work to Improve Documentation and Conservation
UNH Today - UNH Research Finds White Mountain National Forest Home to Nearly 140 Species of Bees
NH Agricultural Experiment Station - White Mountain National Forest Home to Nearly 140 Species of Bees
NH1 news - Research says NH now home to 140 different kinds of bees
Newswise - UNH Research Finds White Mountain National Forest Home to Nearly 140 Species of Bees
Science - Bumble bees lose their sense of smell after heat waves
Smithsonian Magazine - Heat waves can make bumblebees lose their sense of smell
Phys Org - The plants bees need to maintain a healthy diet have been revealed
York U News - Sandra Rehan receives York Research Chair - Faculty of Science
Morning AgClips - The Plants You Need to Keep Bees on a Healthy Diet Have Been Revealed
CTV News - Wild bees face heightened environmental challenges in cities
Forbes - Urban Bees Are More Stressed Out Than Their Suburban Or Rural Sisters
Toronto Newsroom - Wild bees feel sting of city living: York U researchers
York News - Integrative population genetics and metagenomics in a wild bee
Newswise - Urbanization leads to more pathogens and inbreeding of wild bees
Breakfast Television - Sustainable living, bees and the environment
Rehan elected to the Royal Society of Canada - RSC Class of 2022
Science News for Kids - What happens to mother bees’ brains as they age?
Lockport Union Sun - Back to Your Roots: The 'No Mow May' movement
Globe and Mail - No Mow May gains traction across Canada
York News - Rehan wins prestigious E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship for work with bees
The Feed Podcast - Wild bee conservation research
NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship - Molecular Ecology and Behavioural Genetics
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Current Exchange: Biology & Genomics Social Insects meeting
Eureka Alert Science News: Museum collections predict species abundance in the wild
Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences: Front Matter - Eusocial plants?
Science Magazine: Maternal Instincts Lead To Social Life Of Bees
CTV News: Study finds maternal instincts lead to social life of bees
Science Daily: Sociality sculpts similar patterns of molecular evolution in eusocial bees Maternal instincts lead to social life of bees
The social life of bees: once solitary, behaviour plays a role in gene selection for socialness
Science Rendezvous: Plant-Pollinator Networks and their Bees are Declining
Newsweek: Rise in Invasive Species May Lead to Massive Loss of Global Biodiversity
CTV News: Plant a seed, help a bee: Experts urge Canadians to plant wildflowers to save bees from decline
Eureka Alert Science News: Some 94 per cent of wild bee and native plant species networks lost
Buzz on Bees: a Q&A session with YorkU's top bee experts - Faculties of Science and Environmental Studies
Mom genes: What makes a bee brain buzz?
Centre for Bee Ecology Evolution and Conservation - Official Research Unit - York News
Australian Native Bee Conference - Professors Rehan and Packer present keynote addresses in Brisbane
The Daily Review Atlas - Wild bee species critical to pollination on the decline
Scientific American - Microbes in flowers are crucial to bee diets
Flower “bed” works overtime as overnight bachelor pad for solitary bees - Texas Butterfly Ranch
CTV News - Wild bee species critical to pollination on the decline
Boston Globe - N.H. study finds 14 local bee species on the decline
The Poetry of Science - A Local Disappearance - by Samuel Illingworth, Manchester Metropolitan University
Union Leader - 14 wild bee species native to New England on the decline
USDA NIFA - UNH Researchers Reveal More Than Dozen Wild Bee Species Declining in Northeast
Science Daily - More than dozen wild bee species declining in Northeastern U.S.
Granite Geek - Concord Monitor - Honeybees in hives get the attention but our wild bees are hurting, too
Eureka Science News - Researchers reveal more than dozen wild bee species declining in Northeast
iHeartRadio Denver Talk Radio - Sandra Rehan on the History of Bees and Current Threats to Bees
The Joy of Discovery - Bee Lab PhD student, Wyatt Shell, wins UNH Research/Scholarship/Creativity award
Quanta Magazine - The Elusive Calculus of Insect Altruism
Foster's Daily Democrat - UNH organizing New England Bee Bioblitz
UNH Bee Lab Hosts 2018 New England Bee Bioblitz in Cheshire County June 22-24
Bees, Birds, and Beyond: An Unexpected Journey on the Path to Conservation
Morning Ag Clips - Researchers to study pollinator food availability
UNH Today - Researcher Receives Grant To Improve Pollinator Health
United States Department of Agriculture - UNH Researchers Find Drastic Decline in N.H.’s Bumble Bees
Union Leader - UNH research: Dramatic decline in NH bumble bees
WMUR9 News - Drastic drop seen in NH bumblebee population, UNH study shows
Foster's Daily - UNH researchers: Bumblebees in drastic decline
NH Agriculture Experiment Station - UNH Researchers Find Drastic Decline in N.H.’s Bumble Bees
UNH Today - Bee Bullies: What the impact of aggression on brain chemistry can tell us about social rank
Science News for Students - Bee hotels are open for business
UNH Kicks Off National Pollinator Week with Pollinator Appreciation Day June 19
Bee Excited - 2017 New England Bee Bioblitz
UNH Today - The Buzz on Bees
Union Leader - Researchers: White Mountain Forest home to nearly 140 species of bees
Washington Post - White Mountain Forest is home to nearly 140 species of bees
NHPR - UNH Researchers Document 140 Species of Bee, Work to Improve Documentation and Conservation
UNH Today - UNH Research Finds White Mountain National Forest Home to Nearly 140 Species of Bees
NH Agricultural Experiment Station - White Mountain National Forest Home to Nearly 140 Species of Bees
NH1 news - Research says NH now home to 140 different kinds of bees
Newswise - UNH Research Finds White Mountain National Forest Home to Nearly 140 Species of Bees

Science News for Students - Bee underfeeds eldest daughter, creating 'nursemaid'
Monadnock Leger Transcript - UNH researchers document bee diversity
AAAS - Bee populations expanded during global warming after the last Ice Age
Eagle-Tribune - Researchers find new bee species in NH
Foster's Daily - UNH researchers complete first assessment of state's bee population
Portland Press Herald - Study finds New Hampshire rich in bee species
NHPR - UNH Report Finds 17 New Species of Bees in State
UNH Researchers Complete First Assessment of State’s Bee Population
UNH Today - Wyatt Shell receives prestigious Graduate Research Fellowships from NSF
NH Wildlife Journal - Wilds Bees of New Hampshire
Second Annual Bee Bioblitz - July 8-11 in Hancock, New Hampshire
UNH Inquiry - Comparison of cuticular hydrocarbons in the small carpenter bee Ceratina calcarata
Boston Globe - Bee enthusiasts to gather for pollinator event in NH
UNH Bee Lab research featured at the NH Pollinator Summit
Rehan invited speaker Cambridge Entomological Club - Harvard University
Status of Native Bees in New England - New Hampshire Pollinator Summit
The Bees' Needs: Diversity and Sustainability of Native Pollinators
The Washington Times - Bee ‘BioBlitz’ invites people to learn about bees
Union Leader - Mount Washington will be abuzz with activity
The Washington Post - Bee hotels: One way to help native bees
UNH Bee Lab hosts Pollinator Appreciation Day
TEDx talk - The Secret Lives of Native Bees
Beehavior and Beyond: Realizations in Research
Bees in NH - Science on Tap
Rehan Invited plenary speaker OE3C
Dr. Sandra Rehan invited speaker TEDx Piscataqua River
UNH Bee Research featured at NH Farm and Forest Expo
NH ‘Bee hotel’ abuzz with research about pollinators
Breaking Bio Episode 69 - Getting semi-social with Dr. Sandra Rehan!
UNH Today - A bee on the brink: what a sub-social bee can tell us about evolutionary biology
Wired UK - Bee hotel will shed light on declining species
NHPR - The Exchange - A decline in bees: what's going on with our pollinators?
UNH Bee Research - New England bee biodiversity and pollinator protection campaign
Live Science - Bumble Inn: New England gets a new 'hotel' for pollinators
NHPR - Bee hotel open to pollinators
New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station - Sustainable solutions to problems affecting bee health
Scientific American - Comparative genomics and social evolution in bees
Quanta Magazine - Social bees and loners - the genetic basis of group living
UNH News - Bees underwent massive extinction when dinosaurs did
NBC News - Ancient bees may have been wiped out with the dinosaurs
BBC News - Dino impact also destroyed bees, says study
CBC Radio One - Quirks and Quarks - Bee extinction
Discovery News - Ancient bees, dinos may have died out together
The Weather Channel - Bees underwent massive extinction along with dinosaurs, researchers say
Herald Scotland - Bees 'were hit by mass extinction'
French Tribune - Extinction of dinosaurs and bees happened at same time
The Times of India - Bees were wiped out with dinosaurs 65 million years ago
Voice of Russia - Bees went through mass extinction
Science News for Students - Bee underfeeds eldest daughter, creating 'nursemaid'
Monadnock Leger Transcript - UNH researchers document bee diversity
AAAS - Bee populations expanded during global warming after the last Ice Age
Eagle-Tribune - Researchers find new bee species in NH
Foster's Daily - UNH researchers complete first assessment of state's bee population
Portland Press Herald - Study finds New Hampshire rich in bee species
NHPR - UNH Report Finds 17 New Species of Bees in State
UNH Researchers Complete First Assessment of State’s Bee Population
UNH Today - Wyatt Shell receives prestigious Graduate Research Fellowships from NSF
NH Wildlife Journal - Wilds Bees of New Hampshire
Second Annual Bee Bioblitz - July 8-11 in Hancock, New Hampshire
UNH Inquiry - Comparison of cuticular hydrocarbons in the small carpenter bee Ceratina calcarata
Boston Globe - Bee enthusiasts to gather for pollinator event in NH
UNH Bee Lab research featured at the NH Pollinator Summit
Rehan invited speaker Cambridge Entomological Club - Harvard University
Status of Native Bees in New England - New Hampshire Pollinator Summit
The Bees' Needs: Diversity and Sustainability of Native Pollinators
The Washington Times - Bee ‘BioBlitz’ invites people to learn about bees
Union Leader - Mount Washington will be abuzz with activity
The Washington Post - Bee hotels: One way to help native bees
UNH Bee Lab hosts Pollinator Appreciation Day
TEDx talk - The Secret Lives of Native Bees
Beehavior and Beyond: Realizations in Research
Bees in NH - Science on Tap
Rehan Invited plenary speaker OE3C
Dr. Sandra Rehan invited speaker TEDx Piscataqua River
UNH Bee Research featured at NH Farm and Forest Expo
NH ‘Bee hotel’ abuzz with research about pollinators
Breaking Bio Episode 69 - Getting semi-social with Dr. Sandra Rehan!
UNH Today - A bee on the brink: what a sub-social bee can tell us about evolutionary biology
Wired UK - Bee hotel will shed light on declining species
NHPR - The Exchange - A decline in bees: what's going on with our pollinators?
UNH Bee Research - New England bee biodiversity and pollinator protection campaign
Live Science - Bumble Inn: New England gets a new 'hotel' for pollinators
NHPR - Bee hotel open to pollinators
New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station - Sustainable solutions to problems affecting bee health
Scientific American - Comparative genomics and social evolution in bees
Quanta Magazine - Social bees and loners - the genetic basis of group living
UNH News - Bees underwent massive extinction when dinosaurs did
NBC News - Ancient bees may have been wiped out with the dinosaurs
BBC News - Dino impact also destroyed bees, says study
CBC Radio One - Quirks and Quarks - Bee extinction
Discovery News - Ancient bees, dinos may have died out together
The Weather Channel - Bees underwent massive extinction along with dinosaurs, researchers say
Herald Scotland - Bees 'were hit by mass extinction'
French Tribune - Extinction of dinosaurs and bees happened at same time
The Times of India - Bees were wiped out with dinosaurs 65 million years ago
Voice of Russia - Bees went through mass extinction